Mailing Lists


Below is a listing of all the public mailing lists on Click on a list name to get more information about the list, or to subscribe, unsubscribe, and change the preferences on your subscription. To visit the general information page for an unadvertised list, open a URL similar to this one, but with a '/' and the list name appended.

List administrators, you can visit the list admin overview page to find the management interface for your list.

If you are having trouble using the lists, please contact

List Description
Acad-ref MCLS Academic Librarian's List
Cold-directors [no description available]
Cold-pubserv [no description available]
Cold-resource-sharing MASU Resource Sharing group
Collaborating-partners Collaborating Partners group discussion list
Community_engagement [no description available]
Glrsc Great Lakes Resource Sharing Conference
IN-wellbeing-cohort [no description available]
Lab-participants [no description available]
Librariesengage [no description available]
Linked-data Linked Data Interest Group
Masu-colldev MASU Collection Development Group
Mcls-lac MCLS License Agreements Committee
Mclsinfo MCLS Information Announcement List
Mel-resource MeLCat Advisory Committee
MeLCatlist MeLCat List
MeLeResourceslist MeL eResources List
Melimp [no description available]
Mi-acad-dirs MI Academic Library Directors
Mi-ala-news [no description available]
Mi-digital-preservation [no description available]
Mi-dpla-advisory [no description available]
Mi-local-history This list serves as a place for discussions on local history and special collections moderated by the Library of Michigan for use by Michigan library staff.
MI-PR-Group [no description available]
Michdoc Closed list for Michigan Documents Depository coordinators and Library of Michigan staff.
Michlib-l This list serves as an information gateway moderated by the Library of Michigan for use by Michigan library staff.
MiLibAccess Exchange of information about accessibility services in libraries
MiLibData A listserv for members of the Michigan Library Data Group
Miyouth [no description available]
Mlc-ejournals MCLS ejournals discussion list
Mlc_overdrive_subscribers MCLS Digital Libraries - Overdrive Group
Mssalist [no description available]
OMiA Overdrive for Michigan Academics
Ploud A listserv for libraries that have a Ploud website subsidized by the Library of Michigan.
RIDESlist MCLS Delivery Service mailing list
Talk-users [no description available]
Techies IT discussion list
Test-list MLC List Used strictly for testing
Testlist testing

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