mailing lists - Admin Links


Below is the collection of publicly-advertised Mailman mailing lists on Click on a list name to visit the configuration pages for that list.To visit the administrators configuration page for an unadvertised list, open a URL similar to this one, but with a '/' and the list name appended. If you have the proper authority, you can also create a new mailing list.

General list information can be found at the mailing list overview page.

(Send questions and comments to

List Description
Acad-ref MCLS Academic Librarian's List
Cold-directors [no description available]
Cold-pubserv [no description available]
Cold-resource-sharing MASU Resource Sharing group
Collaborating-partners Collaborating Partners group discussion list
Community_engagement [no description available]
Glrsc Great Lakes Resource Sharing Conference
IN-wellbeing-cohort [no description available]
Lab-participants [no description available]
Librariesengage [no description available]
Linked-data Linked Data Interest Group
Masu-colldev MASU Collection Development Group
Mcls-lac MCLS License Agreements Committee
Mclsinfo MCLS Information Announcement List
Mel-resource MeLCat Advisory Committee
MeLCatlist MeLCat List
MeLeResourceslist MeL eResources List
Melimp [no description available]
Mi-acad-dirs MI Academic Library Directors
Mi-ala-news [no description available]
Mi-digital-preservation [no description available]
Mi-dpla-advisory [no description available]
Mi-local-history This list serves as a place for discussions on local history and special collections moderated by the Library of Michigan for use by Michigan library staff.
MI-PR-Group [no description available]
Michdoc Closed list for Michigan Documents Depository coordinators and Library of Michigan staff.
Michlib-l This list serves as an information gateway moderated by the Library of Michigan for use by Michigan library staff.
MiLibAccess Exchange of information about accessibility services in libraries
MiLibData A listserv for members of the Michigan Library Data Group
Miyouth [no description available]
Mlc-ejournals MCLS ejournals discussion list
Mlc_overdrive_subscribers MCLS Digital Libraries - Overdrive Group
Mssalist [no description available]
OMiA Overdrive for Michigan Academics
Ploud A listserv for libraries that have a Ploud website subsidized by the Library of Michigan.
RIDESlist MCLS Delivery Service mailing list
Talk-users [no description available]
Techies IT discussion list
Test-list MLC List Used strictly for testing
Testlist testing

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version 2.1.15
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